May 29, 2024

You've selected your aluminium enclosure and now you're asking whether it needs a coating, what benefits it may provide and which one to select.

A coating adds an extra layer of protection to the enclosure to safeguard it from the elements if it is to be placed outdoors for example, or it can be for aesthetic purposes if the enclosure needs to blend in with its environment as opposed to the standard metallic exterior which can be an eyesore in non-industrial locations.

So, what are the options? At Alpha 3 Manufacturing we offer a nylon powder coating and polyester powder coating as standard for our aluminium enclosures, as well as an enclosure range which has an epoxy-polyester hybrid powder coating; suitable for harsh environments. We will go through each of these to discuss the benefits.

Polyester Powder Coating
Polyester powder coatings are resistant to abrasion and offer good protection against the elements, including high resistance to yellowing, making it suitable for exterior use. Polyester powder coating is available in matt, satin and gloss finishes with the option for differing grades of textured finish. It offers good resistance to diluted acids, alkali and oils at normal temperatures. Polyester powder coating is also priced economically compared to other coatings on the market.

- Good chemical resistance
- Economic pricing
- Environmentally friendly process that is virtually emission free
- Available in almost any colour
- Resistant to degradation under UV light

Nylon Coating
If you require a hardwearing coating, nylon is a good option, as it is extremely durable and impact resistant. It provides excellent protection against chemicals and is applied in a thick layer; offering resistance against abrasion. Nylon is thicker yet softer than polyester so is less prone to scratches and chips. With its glossy appearance, the coating is also ideal if you require an aesthetically pleasing finish.

- UV protection
- Abrasion resistance
- Impact resistant
- Allows for easy sterilisation; ideal for medical instruments
- Smooth, glossy finish
- Environmentally friendly process that is virtually emission free
- Available in almost any colour

Epoxy Polyester Hybrid Powder Coating
This coating protects our Fortis range of enclosures. Offering our best protection yet in harsh environments, a hardwearing coating was required to complement the robust aluminium alloy. Epoxy/polyester powder is a blend of the two polymers offering the best properties from both; a tough, impact resistant coating from the epoxy and excellent weather resistant properties from the polyester. Combined, it provides corrosion and impact resistance, good weathering resistance and colour retention from UV and environmental factors.

- Impact resistance
- Weather resistance
- Suitable for placement in harsh environments
- Textured finish
- Available in grey, black or red

Is your enclosure going to be located in a harsh environment? If the answer is yes, then you should also consider passivation.

What is passivation?
Aluminium naturally forms a corrosion resistant outer layer in the form of aluminium oxide. This can be enhanced with a chemical pre-treatment process called passivation for even greater durability. This passivated base layer prevents corrosion if the coating is damaged, as it would be routinely in a salt spray test.
Passivation is present as standard on the Fortis range and is available as an optional extra on the General Purpose and Heavy Duty ranges. It is recommended especially for applications where electrolytes are present such as buried, automotive, or marine applications.

View our full range of enclosures here

How can we assist with your project?

Speak to our team of specialists by calling +44 (0)1724 273211 or by emailing

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